2024/07/08WATCH 2024会期が終了しました。作品視聴やイベント参加をいただいた皆様、ありがとうございました!
2024/06/13トークイベント「Leave No One Behind ~すべての人にやさしい世界を実現するために~」の受付をスタートしました
2024/04/22プレスリリースが COCOCOLOREARTH に掲載されました(COCOCOLOREARTHとは、社会課題解決を軸にした就職・転職活動を支援するメディア「COCOCOCOLOREARTH」と企業データベース「ココキャリア」を運営する団体です)
2024/04/19WATCH 2024に関する プレスリリース を配信しました
2024/04/19WATCH 2024のWEBサイトを公開しました
WATCH 2024について About WATCH 2024
「WATCH 2024」は、SDGsに関連する日本発のドキュメンタリー作品の上映や、作品テーマをめぐるトークセッションなどをおこなう無料のオンラインイベントです。
WATCH 2024 is a free online event featuring screenings of Japanese documentaries related to the Sustainable Development Goals as well as talk sessions on these themes.
WATCH 2024 is the third edition of WATCH, a hands-on internship program where students in linguistics and/or with an interest in social issues take the lead in everything from subtitling to organizing screening events.This event, organized by the Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy (JVTA) in collaboration with the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, showcases cooperation and teamwork between the students, the university, and JVTA.
Through translating these films in their own words, the students deepen their understanding of the themes and social issues featured in these works, and become well-rounded individuals with a global perspective and empathy towards the SDG goals.
In addition to the powerful message of the original films, viewers get to experience the words of young people who believe in the power of language and are passionate about learning languages through both the subtitles and the talk sessions.
By using the widely-accessible medium of video, the people working on this project as well as the people tuning in will be able to gain new perspectives and insights into issues taking place around the world. WATCH is an event that will provide these kinds of valuable opportunities.

開催概要 Event Summary

開催期間 | 2024年6月27日(木)~7月7日(日) |
開催方法 |
ラーニングプラットフォーム「JVTA Online」にて
形式 | オンライン |
参加料 | すべて無料、要申し込み |
主催 | 日本映像翻訳アカデミー株式会社(JVTA) |
共催 | 東京外国語大学 |
Event Dates | Thursday, June 27th to Sunday, July 7th 2024 |
Activities |
On the online learning platform JVTA Online:
Format | Online |
Fee | Completely free of charge, signup required |
Host | Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy (JVTA) |
Co-host | Tokyo University of Foreign Studies |
共催大学よりメッセージ Message from Cooperating University

副学長 春名 展生氏
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (co-host)
Vice-President Nobuo Haruna
WATCH2024 is an opportunity for students of diverse backgrounds to put their heads together and think about sustainability in our society and the world, while approaching these concepts from a global perspective. Not only do they exchange opinions while transcending the boundaries of language, culture and even academia, but by working together and combining their strengths to successfully complete this subtitling project, students also gain a valuable learning experience that cannot be found within campus walls.
こころの通訳者たち What a Wonderful World
Interpreters Beyond Boundaries - What a Wonderful World
Release: 2021 | Running time: 94min | Director: Reo Yamada | English subtitles translated by students
Streaming on-demand during the event period - Registration required
This documentary tells the story of a group of people who took on the challenge of trying to explain sign language to people who are blind. It shows the trial and error of creating an audio description for a particular film in which sign language interpreters (also known as shadow interpreters) took on their own challenge to make theater more accessible to a deaf audience.
※ The English subtitles for this documentary were translated by the interns.

世界の子どもたちに移動映画館で映画を届ける活動をするWorld Theater Project代表の教来石小織さんは、コロナをきっかけにその活動の一時休止に直面する。活動自体続けていいのか悩むようになった彼女は、ある再会をきっかけに答えを出す。
©内田英恵/Yahoo!ニュース ドキュメンタリー
Mobile Cinema, a Ray of Hope
Release: 2021 | Running time: 11min | Director: Hanae Uchida | English subtitles translated by students
Streaming on-demand during the event period - Registration required
Saori Kyoraiseki is a representative of the World Theater Project, which brings movies to children all around the world through mobile cinemas. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, they had to temporarily put their activities on hold. Now, Kaori has started to wonder whether she should continue this work at all, but a happy reunion helps her make up her mind.
©内田英恵/Yahoo!ニュース ドキュメンタリー

©太田信吾/Yahoo!ニュース ドキュメンタリー
KIMONO Renaissance
Release: 2023 | Running time: 10min | Director: Shingo Ota | English subtitles translated by students
Streaming on-demand during the event period - Registration required
After working as a maiko (a geisha apprentice) in Kyoto, Rei Hirose trained to be a kimono maker. Through her work, she learned that old kimonos were being thrown away in large quantities or treated without any care at antique markets. Pained by seeing all this waste, she started collecting discarded kimonos and now is trying her hand at upcycling.
©太田信吾/Yahoo!ニュース ドキュメンタリー
Yahoo!ニュース エキスパート「ドキュメンタリー」が運営するDOCS for SDGsの協力のもと、
※Yahoo!ニュース エキスパート「ドキュメンタリー」は
DOCS for SDGsページで作品を発信している。
DOCS for SDGs:https://documentary.yahoo.co.jp/sdgs/
Panel Discussion & Interview

Leave No One Behind ~すべての人にやさしい世界を実現するために~
「誰一人取り残さない(leave no one behind)」社会を実現することを目標に策定されたSDGsにおける国際目標の一つ、「すべての人に健康と福祉を」。本イベントではこの目標に焦点を当て、舞台手話通訳者の活動と、その映像を目の見えない人に届けようとするユニバーサルシアターの取り組みを、『こころの通訳者たち What a Wonderful World』の上映を通して発信する。また、作品の内容を知るだけでなく、舞台手話通訳の現場での工夫や困難、そして手話通訳者とろう者双方の視点から考えられる課題について、舞台演劇に特化した手話通訳技術に関する調査を行っている、日本手話通訳学会の萩原彩子氏にお話を伺う。すべての人が住みやすい社会を実現するための一助となるような取り組みについて、参加者全体で考えることができるようなイベントを目標とする。
- ・日時:2024年7月4日(木)17:20~19:45(開場:16:50)
- ・参加方法:会場参加、ライブ配信視聴のいずれも無料・要事前申し込み(7/3締切)
- ・会場:東京外国語大学プロメテウス・ホール(東京都府中市)/同時にZoomでのライブ配信も実施
- ・イベント内容:
- ① 『こころの通訳者たち What a Wonderful World』の上映
- ② 萩原彩子氏(筑波技術大学障害者高等教育研究支援センター、日本手話通訳学会)と学生との対談
- ③ 山田礼於監督からのビデオメッセージ
※要事前申し込み 「WATCH 2022

- 出演者
- 教来石小織(NPO法人World Theater Project理事)
- 内田英恵(『映画のヒカリ』監督)
- ニウ・サンデー(『映画のヒカリ』出演者)
- インタビュアー
- 東京外国語大学 新妻みなも
- 東京外国語大学 川口飛鳥

「映像作品とSDGs」をテーマに、ドキュメンタリー『KIMONOルネッサンス』にフォーカスしながら、SDGsの達成に対して映像作品が担うことのできる役割を知る。インタビュイーは、Yahoo!のDocs for SDGsで同作品を含めた多くのドキュメンタリー作品のプロデュースを手掛けている細村舞衣さん。
- 出演者
- 細村舞衣(LINEヤフー
Yahoo!ニュースエキスパートドキュメンタリー プロデューサー)
- インタビュアー
- 東京外国語大学 登島おりは
- 神戸市外国語大学 長谷川美優
インターン生の声 The Voice of Interns

Impression of training
Before the actual internship started, we took part in three training sessions. For most of the participants in this project, subtitling the trailer of the movie was the very first challenge of to face as beginners. Thanks to this experience we were able to understand how much effort and knowledge is necessary for creating subtitles, even though we take them for granted in our daily lives.
Remarkable point
We made subtitles not only as a simple translation, but also as a subtitle translation, seeking ways to overcome language and cultural barriers and deliver the content of the film more clearly. We hope you will pay attention to the detailed nuances of the language.
In this project, the process itself in which we all try to complete the remarkable thing beyond the barriers of languages and universities is the most important factor. We all would like to tackle this project heartily in order to convey the message which this film holds to as many people as possible.
協賛スポンサー募集 Request for Support
The goal of Watch 2024 is to stream video related to the theme of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is an industry-academia collaborative project in which approximately 60 university students from Japan and abroad will be involved in subtitling these videos into English, organizing related talk sessions, and promoting the event.
We are currently looking for corporate sponsors who share the same values and objectives of the project (sponsorship contribution: at least 10,000 yen per institution).
As a thank-you to our sponsors, we will show their logos and company names in different media related to the event. Please help us strengthen our image as a company that is actively involved in supporting youth activities and SDGs.
主催会社について About the Organizing Company

1996年設立。映像コンテンツの字幕や吹き替え原稿を作成する「映像翻訳」のプロを専門に育成する。映像翻訳の受発注を行う部門も併設しており、日本語・英語だけでなく、多言語の翻訳も行っている。国連UNHCR協会が主催する難民支援のための映画祭「WILL2LIVE Cinema」に字幕を無償提供するなど、映画祭への協力も多数。
また、「語学を学んできた人々を全力でサポートする」という企業ミッションのもと、国内外の学校教育機関における教育プログラムを展開。「海外大学字幕プロジェクト(Global Universities Subtitling Project、通称GUSP)」 や、「J-Anime Stream for Ukraine」など、国内外の学生に向けて語学力を生かしたインターンシップを各種実施している。
Established in 1996, JVTA specializes in training professionals in visual media translation, including the making of subtitles and dubbing scripts for video. The company also has a department that accepts orders for media translation, and offers translation services not only in Japanese and English, but in multiple other languages as well. JVTA has cooperated with many film festivals, including providing subtitles free of charge to “WILL2LIVE Cinema,” a film festival organized by the United Nations Refugee Agency UNHCR to support refugees.
Furthermore, in line with the corporate mission of “providing full support to language students,” the company offers educational programs at institutions both in Japan and abroad. JVTA also offers offers a variety of internship programs for students in Japan and abroad that allow these students to use and further sharpen their language skills to the fullest, such as the "Global Universities Subtitling Project (GUSP)" and "J-Anime Stream for Ukraine."